Dear MoveOn member,
Think of Barack Obama giving his inaugural address, surrounded by millions of the people who worked to elect him. Really, stop and imagine it. Does it make you smile? Us too. Does it make you want to celebrate? Good.
Because we're organizing Inaugural Bashes that night in cities across the country and we want you to come—in fact, we want you to host. The Chicago Inaugural Bash could be an informal party in a friendly local bar or restaurant, a smaller get-together at your house, or an elaborate Inaugural Ball—it's up to you.
The important thing is that we come together to kick off this new progressive era. Can you host an Inaugural Bash so the folks in Chicago have a place to celebrate? Click here to register your event:
These parties are being organized with Civic Action—which means it's fine to hold your party in a bar or restaurant. So if you have a friendly local bar that you think would be a great venue, give them a call to ask if they'd be OK with your throwing a party. (They'll probably appreciate all the extra business on a Tuesday night.)
Having your party in a bar or restaurant means more people can attend, but holding your event in a more private space, or at your home, is great too. And if you're not sure yet where your party will be, that's fine—you can still sign up to host now.
Once you've found a venue, hosting a party is really easy. We'll invite other MoveOn members in your area, provide all the materials you'll need, and offer some ideas for fun things to do at your party.
Millions of people will be gathering in Washington, D.C. on January 20th, but there are millions more around the country who helped make this day possible. Can you sign up to host an Inaugural Bash in Chicago so folks near you have a place to celebrate, too?
Thanks for all you do.
–Daniel, Adam G., Noah, Marika and the rest of the team
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[image: Woman on treadmill running.]
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